Where is The Glasgow ?
Oh, where is the Glasgow where I used to stey,
The white wally closes done up wi' pipe cley;
Where ye knew every neighbour from first floor tae third.
And tae keep your door locked was considered absurd.
Do you know the folk steying next door tae you ?
And where is the wee shop where I used tae buy
A quarter o' totties, a tuppeny pie,
A bag o' broken biscuits an' three toty scones,
An! the wumman aye asked,
"How's your maw getting on ?"
Can your big supermarket give service like that ?
And where is the wean that once played in the street
Wi' a jorrie, a peerie, a gird wi' a cleek ?
Can he still cadge a hudgie an' dreep aff a dyke,
Or is writing on walls noo the wan thing he likes ?
Can he tell Chickie Kellie frae Hunch, Cuddy, Hunch ?
And where is the tram-car that once did the ton
Up the Great Western Road on the old Yoker run ?
The conductress aye knew how to deal wi' a nyaff-
"If ye're gaun, then get oan, if ye're no, then get aff !"
Are there ony like her on the buses the day ?
And where is the chip shop that I knew sae well,
The wee corner cafe where they used tae sell
Hot peas and brae an' MacCallums an' pokes,
An ye knew they were Tallies the minute they spoke:
" Dae ye want-a-da raspberry ower yer ice-cream ? "
Oh where is the Glasgow that Ah used tae know
Big Wullie, wee Shooie, the steamie, the Co
The shilpit wee bauchle, the glaiket big dreep
The ba' on the slates, and your gas in a peep
If you scrape the veneer aff, are these things still there
© Adam McNaughton
The white wally closes done up wi' pipe cley;
Where ye knew every neighbour from first floor tae third.
And tae keep your door locked was considered absurd.
Do you know the folk steying next door tae you ?
And where is the wee shop where I used tae buy
A quarter o' totties, a tuppeny pie,
A bag o' broken biscuits an' three toty scones,
An! the wumman aye asked,
"How's your maw getting on ?"
Can your big supermarket give service like that ?
And where is the wean that once played in the street
Wi' a jorrie, a peerie, a gird wi' a cleek ?
Can he still cadge a hudgie an' dreep aff a dyke,
Or is writing on walls noo the wan thing he likes ?
Can he tell Chickie Kellie frae Hunch, Cuddy, Hunch ?
And where is the tram-car that once did the ton
Up the Great Western Road on the old Yoker run ?
The conductress aye knew how to deal wi' a nyaff-
"If ye're gaun, then get oan, if ye're no, then get aff !"
Are there ony like her on the buses the day ?
And where is the chip shop that I knew sae well,
The wee corner cafe where they used tae sell
Hot peas and brae an' MacCallums an' pokes,
An ye knew they were Tallies the minute they spoke:
" Dae ye want-a-da raspberry ower yer ice-cream ? "
Oh where is the Glasgow that Ah used tae know
Big Wullie, wee Shooie, the steamie, the Co
The shilpit wee bauchle, the glaiket big dreep
The ba' on the slates, and your gas in a peep
If you scrape the veneer aff, are these things still there
© Adam McNaughton