Home > Ocean Liners > QE2 > Me & QE2 > QE2 Farewell to the Clyde 2008
My Last Ever look at the QE2 (or so I thought at the time)
On the 5th of October 2008, I took my leave of the QE2 forever. It was a beautiful Autumnal day on the River Clyde, the QE2's birthplace, and I was with my friends and family. But it did feel like one very special friend was leaving forever and it left everyone on the River that day with a lump in their throats.
Links to my photos and videos below.
Links to my photos and videos below.
My YouTube playlist for the day. You can select various videos from the collection. Of special note are the ones of HMS Manchester and the fireworks display being started by QE2's whistle. All are available in High Quality via the YouTube site, and all have quality stereo sound.
Full playlist on Youtube - http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=7932B228DBF591CE
After this wonderful happy-sad day, it was time for me to stop following so closely what was happening with my beloved ship, the ship I've followed for the past 22.5 years. What they're going to do to her in Dubai is so awful, so completely different to anything I'd hoped for, that I'll have to simply stop watching completely. QE2, the most wonderful ship of all time, ceases to exist on November 27th 2008 when she stops in Dubai. This was my last Goodbye to QE2.
My complete photo collection of some of the photos I took on the day are here:- http://www.flickr.com/photos/lightbody/sets/72157607800832549/
My friend Isabelle was with us and her photos of the day are here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/prondis_in_kenya/sets/72157607831078259/
My complete photo collection of some of the photos I took on the day are here:- http://www.flickr.com/photos/lightbody/sets/72157607800832549/
My friend Isabelle was with us and her photos of the day are here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/prondis_in_kenya/sets/72157607831078259/